This volume contains the translations of Katha, Isha, Kena, and Mundaka Upanishads. It also contains two introductory chapters dealing with the historical background, the metaphysics, and the psychology of the Upanishads. Of this volume the Contemporary Review wrote: ‘Swami Nikhilananda has rendered us an unforgettable service. The scholar and the student will certainly find himself fully repaid by a study of this remarkable edition.’
People living outside India can purchase this book from Ramakrishna Vivekananda Centre, New York, USA. Their website address is:
One cannot just stop raving about this masterly and scientific exposition of the immortal knowledge contained in the most sacred Upanishadic literature by the great teacher Pujya Swami Nikhilananda Ji. His flair for simplifying the arduous Vedantic journey is an unparalleled feat in itself. The clarity of thought and purity of purpose are self evident to the serious student of this marvellous book. In addition, the first volume contains an elaborate general introduction of the Brahman whose beauty cannot be described in words. I wish the Original Sankrit text also be included in future editions duly transliterated and translated to further enhance the value of this already invaluable book.