Title Name – “তস্মৈ নমঃ”
পরম পূজ্যপাদ শ্রীমৎ স্বামী গীতানন্দজী মহারাজের চিত্র ও রচনা সংগ্রহ
Collection of Photos and Writings of Most Revered Swami Gitanandaji Maharaj dedicated to Most Revered Swami Shankaranandaji Maharaj, the 7th President of the Ramakrishna Order.
In the star-studded spiritual firmament of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Swami Gitanandaji shone as a bright and unique star. He was one of the Vice Presidents of the twin organisation till his Maha Samadhi on 14th March 2014. Gitanandaji was a living embodiment of the great teachings of Sri Ramakrishna such as, “God realization is the sole purpose of human life”, “Service to man is Service to God” and “As many faiths so many paths”, which constitute the guiding principles of the whole Ramakrishna Movement. Intense love for God,intense longing for God and intense desire tro serve God — these three inner urges formed the main motive force in Swami Gitanandaji’s life. This collection of his writings and photographs is designed with the hope that his exemplary life can be a source of great inspiration for all.
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