In this book containing selected writings of Swami Abhedananda, readers will get a glimpse into the expansive world of his sublime ideas.
The Sanskrit hymns included are taken from his book, Songs Divine.
Letters are from the book, Epistles: Letters of Swami Abhedananda.
Four articles are from the book, Great Saviours of the World.
Rest are from The two volume Works of Swami Abhedananda.
Section Two:
Spiritual Unfoldment
Doctrine of Karma
Path of Realization
Divine Heritage of Man
The Steps towards Perfection
How to be a Yogi
Yoga Psychology
The Mystery of Death
Section Three:
Introduction to Great Saviours of the World
Krishna and His Teachings
Buddha and His Teachings
Sri Ramakrisihna and His Teachings
Section Four:
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Swami Abhedananda was fondly known as Kali Maharaj was an astute Vedantic discipline who was very keen, energetic and intelligent. He was adored by his brother disciples for his dedication and discipline and was allotted a separate room exclusively for his Tapasya and Svadhyaya. He did intense penance and had many revelations and perceived the truth directly which he transmitted through his various immortal books. This book selectively presents various precious gems which he brought for us from the deepest oceans of his heart.
Suvromit Bose –
Lot of Pranams at the lotus feet of Swami Abhedanandaji