Out of the eleven principal Upanishads that Sri Shankaracharya commented upon, this two volume set contains the translations of the Eight Upanishads (Isha, Kena, Katha, Mundaka, Mandukya (with Gaudapada Karika), Aiteraya, Prashna and Taittiriya Upanishads) and their commentaries by Sri Shankaracarya. Study of these commentaries by a great philosopher-saint like Shankara is indispensable for the proper evaluation of the Vedanta philosophy. It contains the text of the Upanishads in Devanagari, a lucid and faithful translation of the text and commentary, relevant notes, reference to quotations, and index to texts.
Eight Upanishads (2 Vols. Set)
Translated by Swami Gambhirananda
9 in stock
I have not yet gone through it..
Excellent explanation of Sanskrit mantras in English, the best guide for understanding important upanishad s.
Shobha –
Every one must read if has interest in knowing Brahm
Mukunda A –
Great explanation