Advaita Ashrama Publication
Selections from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (Hardbound)
Swami Vivekananda
Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
A Compilation
Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
The Divine World of the Alvars: Lives and Songs of the Vaishnava Saints of South India
Pravrajika Shuddhatmaprana
Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Exploring Harmony among Religious Traditions in India: Papers read at a Seminar on 4-6 January 2007
A Compilation
Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Philosophy and Philosophers: Papers and Speeches of R. K. Dasgupta
Prof. R. K. Dasgupta
Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Total Human Development: In the Light of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Tradition
A Compilation
Hirendra Nath Roy